Well Thursday was the big fair demo. Last fall I ran into a friend that I had met when I drove in the demo 7 years ago. He told me his wife didn't like driving in the fair demo so he asked if I wanted to be his powder puff driver. I jumped at the chance! So, on Thur. after noon I arived at the fairgrounds to see this beautiful non-dented demo race car.
Well after my friend ran his race it was still in about the same shape as you see above.... So it came my turn and I was stoked even though there was concern that it was not going to run correctly and I might have to quit in the middle of the race to spare the engin. But I told my friend it didn't matter if I did have to quit I was excited for the chance. So I entered the track for my race and I started as the second car from the front on the inside.... Well after we took one lap around to give us our rolling start I only made it to the second tire befor I was rammed from behind and then rammed again causing me to spin out. I recovered quickly but 7 laps just wasn't enought time to catch upto 1st place.... No matter I still had fun!
After I got to the back I saw the dammage to the car.... I felt bad cause I was the only one to do all that. And that the car ran fine for me but not for my friend.
But I had a great time and hope to do it again!
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