Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fair Demo 08

Well Thursday was the big fair demo. Last fall I ran into a friend that I had met when I drove in the demo 7 years ago. He told me his wife didn't like driving in the fair demo so he asked if I wanted to be his powder puff driver. I jumped at the chance! So, on Thur. after noon I arived at the fairgrounds to see this beautiful non-dented demo race car.

Well after my friend ran his race it was still in about the same shape as you see above.... So it came my turn and I was stoked even though there was concern that it was not going to run correctly and I might have to quit in the middle of the race to spare the engin. But I told my friend it didn't matter if I did have to quit I was excited for the chance. So I entered the track for my race and I started as the second car from the front on the inside.... Well after we took one lap around to give us our rolling start I only made it to the second tire befor I was rammed from behind and then rammed again causing me to spin out. I recovered quickly but 7 laps just wasn't enought time to catch upto 1st place.... No matter I still had fun!

After I got to the back I saw the dammage to the car.... I felt bad cause I was the only one to do all that. And that the car ran fine for me but not for my friend.

But I had a great time and hope to do it again!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Motorcycle Days

Well I can't say I got a whole lot done today. I went over to mom and dads. Dad helped me do some rewireing on my motorcycle so I could move the licence plate from the sissy bar down to the fender. I took all the pieces off that were needed while dad got the wires ready to add. That didn't take too much and in no time I was putting things back together. After that dad and I just sat and talked for a few. I told him the story I heard from a passing motorist.... Two men were riding their motorcycles down the road when one mans coat zipper broke. So they pulled over, the man just turned his jacket around and they continued on. A while later the two men were in a horriable accident. When the first officer arrived he began checking for survivors. The second officer got to the accident and asked the first if there was anyone alive. The first officer said "when I got here only the one man was alive but he died when I turned his head around." Dad laughed pretty good at that one.

After I left dad's I went to L&G to get some webbing. Then the rest of the afternoon I spent figuring out a strapping system to take the dog with me on the motorcycle. After a great deal of thinking I thought I had come up with a pretty good idea. So I brought Tuff out and strapped him down.... Well I fired her up and all seemed well at first. I kept petting Tuffs head and telling him what a good boy he was being... All was going according to the way I wanted it so I got on the bike and reved the engin a little...... Oh boy was that where it all went wrong, Tuff managed to squirm his bottom off the seat and was hanging from the bike. So I turned her off and began to rethink how to strap him down. I had to try a few ideas befor I got it but I finnaly found one that worked! So I headed in and out of the house several times to test his ability to stay on the seat and then it was time to test it. We went around the block several times and then down a few more. After that I came back to the house, figured I best not press my luck too much and give Tuff a chance to get used to it befor we make the rides too long. But we made it though Tuffs first ride and I can't wait to take more!

Tata for now!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The first one!

Ok so I have been reading my sisters blogs and thought I maybe I would join the craze.... I enjoy hearing how the family is doing and seeing new pictures. Not that I have kidos to write about, just the crazy pets, but I thought it would be cool to keep the family updated. So I'll do my best at more blogs to come. Ta Ta for now.